Hello and welcome Maple Leaf Nation.
As this is my initial blog here for TMLForum.com, I may as well come right out of the gate, so to speak, with "the gloves off!"
Is head coach, Ron Wilson, a liar?
I'm not talking about the white lies and "spin" that is generally told to the media to keep them happy, all the while keeping what belongs "in house," exactly there. What I am referring to is what Mr. Wilson told one of his players, in particular, Nazem Kadri.
At the beginning of training camp, we were told that Nazem, among other new-comers, would have a chance to earn a roster spot. Going a step further, Wilson added, "that if Kadri is one of our top 6 forwards, we will keep him."
I want to caution right now, that this is not about where Kadri belongs or what is best for his development necessarily. This is about a coach and an organization's word.
As camp progressed and the kids play continued to stand out, prompting many pundits to laud Kadri as not only one of the top 6 Leaf forwards, but the best forward, Wilson's tune began to change.
All of a sudden Wilson was warning the media to curb their enthusiasm. Why coach? Well for one thing, the coach told the media, "he might be the most skilled guy we have, but you don't see how many pull-ups and push-ups he does?" In his best, "Dancing with the Stars" foxtrot, the coach began his backpeddle.
I have to wonder aloud how many pull-ups the great one(Gretzky/99) could do the season he scored 212 points? Good thing they didn't ask him to "drop, and give me 20," after each goal he scored, or else it wouldn't count. He was sort of a boney, stick figure back then, wasn't he? Heck, I'm not sure he could give us 20 now, pull-ups and push-ups combined; but I regress.
So let me make sure I understand this correctly coach? You said aloud, that if Nazem Kadri is one of your best 6 you'll keep him. Then you called him, "maybe our best." Then you told me he doesn't do a lot of pull ups? Am I following? By the way coach, didn't you test his strength at the combine? Aren't push-ups and pull-ups part of that weekend's testing? Just curious.
So it begs the question coach. If you knew he was too weak to make the team then, why would you tell us, not to mention Nazem, a month or so after the combine, that he had a chance to make the big club?
Or is this the prevailing wisdom at MLSE? That we'll teach this youngster a lesson in how we operate around here, even if he doesn't need one? After all, you did say, concerning Kadri's possible demotion at the time, "to give him an appreciation of the NHL and what it is to play for the Maple Leafs...so he never takes it for granted!"
Yeah, that little bugga Kadri...with an attitude like his, he's sure to learn his lesson now!
To Nazem's utmost credit, he departed with class and dignity, if not totally dissapointed. He said all the right things...and what could he say? The Leaf brass showed him, who's boss!
Nazem Kadri will be great no matter where he goes, and who he plays for. And it's ok coach not to tell the truth to the media and the fans. But please don't ever lie to Nazem again.
One thing's for sure...Nazem Kadri will never again take for granted, the truth. Not in this league and not in this organization.
Perhaps that will be the best lesson served for this young pro going forward in this National League.